Friday, September 07, 2007

FDT Enters race with a bang

I previously endorsed Fred Thompson here, and noted my first contribution here, but now that he has formally announced, I have backed up my endorsement with an additional contribution. You too can contribute. Lots of Fred stuff is available online now as well, including slews of different bumper stickers and other decals. A wide variety from window decals to actual bumper stickers, and for those with space enough for signs, loads of them too.

Fred made a splash with his Leno Annoucement, and with his appearance on FNC's Hannity & Colmes last night, and Fox & Friends this AM. He is the right man at the right time. The other candidates in the race have been fighting amongst themselves for far too long, making a mockery of the process. States playing games of one-upsmanship have not helped matters either, shifting the earliest primarys forward in January 2008. Fred rightly decided not to play that game, and in the process has debuted a first-class organization at the right time.

Once again, Fred Dalton Thompson for President.