Monday, June 04, 2007

Day 48, still no green cards from GM, Saturn of Manassas

Monday, June 4 passed with the four green return-receipt cards still out there, not yet delivered to my mailbox. GM's timing is almost understandable, as they would have gotten the letter copies on our about May 29-30. Saturn of Manassas's is not - as they would have gotten their copy on May 26, 2007, more than a week ago.

One begins to question whether they are refusing to sign for their mail - and in the process deepening their sink into poor customer service.

This story is getting around - to more people and in more states than GM would care to admit. The more I tell the story, the more it gets retold, by people here in Virginia, and as far away as Florida, New York, Pennsylvania and Illinois. It spreads from there to Maryland, California, Texas, Massachusetts and Georgia.

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